Tisha B’Av Mitzvah Project
Homeless Care Packages
This is our Tisha B’Av mitzvah in lieu of service at the synagogue. We must actively show our causeless love for humankind: those who are homeless are the most vulnerable. As our people were exiled from Israel and many lands on Tisha B’Av, let us remember those who do not have a home and are in need. Spend time shopping for these items and lovingly assemble the care packages. Please make as many as you can within your means.
All donations are miniature sizes so that they can all fit into a gallon Ziploc® bag. Dollar stores, drugstores, and discount stores are good resources for these items.
These care packages will be distributed to Seattle’s homeless population at freeway off-ramps by SDA of Greenlake, WA. Please bring your care packages to Beit HaShofar on Friday, August 12th and we will bring them for drop-off at SDA.
Please acquire the following as well as gallon sized Ziploc® bags and put these items in the gallon bag (plan to spend about $17 per care package). Please be generous:
Dental Floss
Mini Toothpaste
Food Items
First-aid Kit
Sewing Kit
Emergency Blanket
Hand Sanitizer
Small Plastic Water Bottle or Hat and Mittens, depending on the season
Wet Wipes
There is usually a little space left in the top of the packages; you are welcome to tuck in additional items you think might be useful. A few suggestions:
Extra food items
A baggie of feminine supplies for women
Many homeless people have animals dependent on them, so a baggie of pet food or treats would be appreciated. Please label the treats with expiration date and brand name.