Do not allow anything to pass your lips that you are not certain is completely true.
Anyone possessing truth is able to live a more conflict-free life; for as truth brings clarity, so too does it bring purpose and determination. Do not allow anything to pass your lips that you are not certain is completely true. Be a friend of truth and sponsor it.

The Hebrew word for truth is emet. Emet translates also as verity and correctness.
Truth can be difficult. It can be difficult to find, and once found it can be difficult to live out. However, we have to have chutzpah.
Daily Questions
What were the "seeds" that started to affect your ability to exemplify truth?
Think of several moments when you were challenged to express truth. What was your reaction? Did you forsake truthfulness for social peace or to prevent embarrassment, or were you weak and not able to stand up for the truth?
If you were unable to express truth today, is this something that you have struggled with previously?
Were you able to use prayer or meditation to give you strength to work through the circumstances?
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When truth encounters the data of our lives, it gives rise to confession. Truth alone can be totally abstract, an ideal that exists apart from the realities of daily life.
The middah of truth is complex. It is not just letting flow off your lips that which is true, or known to be true to you. It is also about the internal ideas of truth you have within you, or think you have within you, and translating that into righteous and honest action.
Truth is one of those intangible concepts that are difficult to define. When Yeshua said he bore witness of the truth, Pilate asked him, “What is truth?” It’s a good question. We live in a world where truth is so subjective, that the idea of it becomes almost meaningless.
So we have all been taught from youth to tell the truth. But what about those moments of tattle-taling? Guess what...they are wrong too.
Emet, truth, is composed of three letters: the first, the last, and the middle letters of the Hebrew alephbet. Like a stool, it has a firm foundation.

Simeon ben Shetah said: "Examine the witnesses diligently and be cautious in thy words lest through them they learn to falsify." --Avot 1:9
“You shall be sincere with the L-d your G-d.” --Deuteronomy 18:13
“Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from deceitful speech.” --Psalms 34:14
“Accustom your tongue to say, 'I do not know.'” --Talmud, Berachos 4a
“Correct yourself first, and then you can correct others.” --Talmud, Bava Metzia 107b
“Keep your distance from falsehood.” --Exodus 23:7
“Foolishness is joy to one who lacks [an understanding] heart, but a man of understanding [will rejoice] when he walks uprightly.” --Proverbs 15:21
“Do not offer vain testimony against your fellow, to denar yourself with your lips. Do not say,'As he has done for me, so will I do for him; I will reward the man according to his acts.'” --Proverbs 24:28
“One who deceives his fellow through flattery is spreading a net for his own footsteps.” --Proverbs 29:5