become an rm member

Are you interested in a serious Mussar practice that will seriously change your life?  By becoming part of Riverton Mussar, you will not only link yourself to a group of individuals, locally and nationally, driving towards change and growth together, but you will gain the strength to walk out a serious practice in a committed environment with a chevrutah (partner).  Having this kind of dedicated community will not only motivate you, but also help you to have the staying power to see through a year of inner work and growth.

If you are inspired and wish to make a year-long committment, then please consider supporting Riverton Mussar and becoming a Riverton Mussar member.

For only $36 per year, you will receive:

  • access to the Connections part of the Riverton Mussar Website where you can listen to past and current podcasts on middot, exclusive Mussar oriented chat/blog capability with other Riverton Mussar members, and shared journal entries that will strengthen and encourage
  • weekly emailings regarding the weekly middah 
  • a *free* Cheshbon HaNefesh by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Satanov  

                                      free_book  This Mussar Classic is must-have!   **first year members only


Step out of your box this year and make the move towards a more ethical and conscious Messianic Judaism.  This can only be done with your support and your committment....join our working Mussar community today!