membership intro


Get Started

By becoming part of Riverton Mussar, you will not only link yourself to a group of individuals, locally and nationally, driving towards change and growth together, but you will gain the strength to walk out a serious practice in a committed environment with a chevrutah (partner). Having this kind of dedicated community will not only motivate you, but also help you to have the staying power to see through a year of inner work and growth.

If you are inspired and wish to commit, then please consider supporting the Riverton Mussar program through your membership and optional donation.


Members will receive:

  • access to the Connections part of the Riverton Mussar website where you can listen to past and current podcasts on middot
  • access to private Facebook discussions of mussar practice and specific middot.
  • access to special classes and presentations.  These online resources will strengthen and encourage your practice.
  • weekly emailings regarding the weekly middah