the portion in my cup


The Hebrew word for frugality is keemutz. Keemutz translates to thrift, economizing, frugality, retrenchment.

If any of us have difficulty with being truly frugal, many times it has to do with the concept of there being an innate dissatisfaction within ourselves that we have difficulty quelling. We always have this fleeting wanting, wanting, wanting.

In order to live a more frugal life, we must learn to have contentment in life. One way to achieve this is to go back to the source: our Creator. In order to live a truly contented life, it is vital to know what is really important. This will not only induce a greater measure of simplicity in life (less retail therapy, less impulse buying, less material possessions to trip over) but a heightened awareness that what is truly important is not what one can buy. It is in what one already has. And to be sure, we all have a connection to the Eternal.

This meditation will help you to focus on the constancy and fullness of Hashem - filling each one of us up on a constant basis with what we need.

(Note:  For more information on meditative techniques, see the source Jewish Meditation by Aryeh Kaplan.)

Find a comfortable seat in a quiet place.  First, take a few deep breaths. Deep breathing brings oxygen to your brain and helps clear the mind. Close your eyes. Continue breathing until you feel relaxed.

The focus of this meditation will be upon Hashem and how He fills our cup on the day we call.  Using a phrase from the well-known prayer 'Adon Olam'  for meditation, choose whether you will say the Hebrew or the English. Both are provided below:

מְנָת כּוֹסִי בְּיוֹם אֶקְרָא

(menat kosi b'yom ekrah)

My cup, my portion on the day I call.....


Meditate on this phrase above (either Hebrew or English) for at least 10 minutes without interruption.  As you slowly and gently end your meditation by opening your eyes,  try to maintain a sense of quietness for a time after  - allow the experience to flow through you and feel its effect.

By meditating on the Divine, you will feel less inclined to pursue your self-imposed needs, but rather that of fullness of the Eternal.