from the mussar masters


“One who acquires understanding loves his soul, guarding understanding to find good.” --Proverbs 19:8

 “Of Your precepts I speak and I look at Your paths. I occupy myself with Your statutes, I will not forget Your word.” --Psalms 119:15

“Ready my steps in Your word, and do not let any iniquity dominate me.” --Psalms 119:133

“Whosoever possesses these three qualities belongs to the disciples of Abraham our father: a generous eye, a humble spirit, and a meek soul.” --Avot 5:22

“Cursed is he who misleads an undiscerning person.” --Deutoronomy 27:18

Regarding the cleanliness of language, it is said: “The throne [of the Mashiach] will be established with benevolence and he will sit on it through truth.” – Isaiah 16:5

“Who is courageous? One who conquers his inclination.” --Avot 4:1

“Envy, lust and the [pursuit of honor] remove man from the world.” --Avot 4:21