seattle mussar kallah 5772


Join Riverton Mussar in Seattle at our Mussar Kallah 5772 and prepare to learn and grow. Rabbi Russ Resnik, Rav Rafael and Rebbetzin Malkah will bring fresh, interactive sessions on the middot and inspiration for your personal Mussar practice.

This Kallah will translate Shema, the great commandment, into tools for a more ethical and accountable life. You won’t experience lectures—you’ll experience Mussar alive. Drink deeply from the wellspring of sessions andwalk away even more motivated to continue personal ethical change.

Sunday, Dec. 4th, 2011 (10am - 6pm)
Beit Hashofar Synagogue
13001 37th Ave S, Tukwila WA 98168

$20 per person (Buffet dairy lunch and snacks will be provided.)

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Session 1, Rabbi Russ Resnik:  Obeying the Great Commandment

The Shema is a central Jewish prayer and statement of faith, but above all it is a commandment. We will consider six ramifications of the Shema-as-commandment and how they shape our practice of Mussar. 

Session 2, Rabbi Russ Resnik:  The Great Commandment, Part Two

In this session we explore the commandment that Messiah (along with Jewish tradition) describes as inextricably linked with the Shema: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” What does this mean and not mean, and why is the Shema incomplete without it?  

Session 3, Rav Rafael: Na’aseh v’Nishma – We Will Do and We Will Listen

We will examine the ethical mussar imperative that Yeshua gives us in Matthew 5,6,7 and concretely apply it to our lives. Yeshua’s mussar teaching from the mount is an allusion to the giving of Torah from Sinai when we said  “All that Hashem has spoken we will do and we will hear (Na’aseh V’nishma)!”   How we do and listen is a reflection of our character development.

Session 4, Rebbetzin Malkah:  When All You Hear Is Noise

During this session, we will explore the middot of gratitude and silence.  In doing so, we will learn how these middot can be used within meditation to help us stop the noise and truly listen to our souls.


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