
weekly practice

  • during the week...

  • gather - once or twice with your chevruta (partner) for study
  • repeat - the memory verse of the week
  • be aware - of behaviors during the day, moments that elucidate middot work

  • after sundown on saturday night...

  • finish - journal entries for friday and saturday and score yourself in your charts
  • assess - your scores in your journal charts by tallying them and reflecting on the results

why mussar?

Mussar is a discipline of steady personal character refinement. 
Our Mussar Master, Messiah Yeshua taught us how we should bring good fruit as a demonstration of our purposeful lives.  Mussar is one important component of being a disciple and light of Messiah.

You are the light of the world.  A city that sits on the mountain will not be hidden, nor do people kindle a lamp just to put it under the bushel measure, but on the menorah, to illuminate all who are in the house.  So also, shine your light before sons of men, so that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16, DHE)
