

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}Focus on each task with intensity as if it were a work of art.Concentration is a state of mind mastery where one can take a task or a moment and be immersed and involved in it without distraction. Concentration does not ignore others; rather, it is intense focus to achieve solutions, ideas, and finished products in the midst of daily life. Concentration is vital for our work, projects, aspirations, and the growth of our own souls.Suggested practices:

  • Turn your phone off and or tablet/computer for 1 hour while doing a task to avoid distraction and to fully invest yourself.
  • Commit to one day of technology free (phone, radio, television, computer, tablet) living in order to concentrate on spiritual, home, or other matters/tasks.
  • Find something you have been avoiding doing and see it through to completion. Be fully engaged with whatever this is in all manner of detail{acp /top-intro}

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