questions to ask yourself

art-questionsUse these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to erode your humility today?
  2. Think of how you responded to praise, or how you responded to someone else receiving praise.  Did you become puffed up when you were complimented?  Did you feel jealous or resent someone else receiving good words?
  3. Did you take the time to truly listen to those around you today, or were you more focused on speaking? Were you able to say words to lift up those around you?
  4. In the course of your day, did you make an effort to wholeheartedly look at your shortcomings today rather than focus on those of others?
  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to balance out your humility?
  6. When you are around others, do you often feel superior?
  7. Are you realistic in your analysis of who you truly are?