God’s trust in us


One of God’s greatest gifts to humanity is free will. That gift produces the opportunity to be creative, thoughtful, decisive, curious, and more. With free will we are given the privilege to partner with God. Any partnership requires mutual trust for it to be positive. Our human partnership with God is no exception.

Trust in God is something that many religious people express the desire to pursue regularly. Less regular is the expressed desire to explore what it means that God trusts us! God knows everything about us, and he still entrusted free will, Torah, the world, and much more to us. He knows of our imperfection and regular failures. He still deemed it appropriate to give the Torah, send Yeshua, and send the Ruach HaKodesh to empower us and equip us to step into the vision He has for us.

One of the most humbling and simultaneously empowering realties we can embrace is God’s trust in us. I would not characterize humanity as generally trustworthy. We are trusted, but not trustworthy. I do not think I will ever understand why God would trust us, but I do find there is a direct relationship between my trustworthiness and my sense of being trusted. When people expect that I can be trusted I find myself behaving as if they’re right!

You are trusted just by virtue of the fact that you are a human being. Let this reality be something you allow yourself to enter into. If you realize you are trusted you may find yourself doing things that demonstrate trustworthiness. May we all find ourselves acting out of an awareness of being trusted.

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?”  -- Romans 8:32, NASB