
can you keep a secret?

can you keep a secret?

Have you ever been in on a conversation that started like this: “Can you keep a secret? I’m really not supposed to talk about this, but . . .” or “So-and-so made me promise not to tell anyone about this, but . . .”? This opening line is usually followed by an explanation of why it’s OK to not keep the secret, but to share the forbidden information with you, often in flattering terms.

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. Are you able to open your heart and trust others easily, or are you cynical?

  2. Do past experiences make it impossible for you to trust others who may otherwise be very trustworthy?

  3. Do you trust people too easily? Do you look at a person’s reputation and assess your ability to trust them with reliability?

  4. Are there areas in your life where you can improve so that you may become more trustworthy and relied upon by others?

  5. Do you have a shem tov (a good name)? Does this allow others to trust you? If not, what could you do to improve this?

  6. What characteristics make you trustworthy? Seek to improve on one of those traits.

  7. Do you have anyone who can vouch for your trustworthiness? Does your reputation proceed you and people give you responsibilities frequently? If not, why not?