
questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. Are you able to open your heart and trust others easily, or are you cynical?

  2. Do past experiences make it impossible for you to trust others who may otherwise be very trustworthy?

  3. Do you trust people too easily? Do you look at a person’s reputation and assess your ability to trust them with reliability?

  4. Are there areas in your life where you can improve so that you may become more trustworthy and relied upon by others?

  5. Do you have a shem tov (a good name)? Does this allow others to trust you? If not, what could you do to improve this?

  6. What characteristics make you trustworthy? Seek to improve on one of those traits.

  7. Do you have anyone who can vouch for your trustworthiness? Does your reputation proceed you and people give you responsibilities frequently? If not, why not?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. Are you able to focus on your Creator daily in such a way that prayer is effortless? If not, why?

  2. Are you easily distracted? Or do you ignore others when you are doing something that seems important to you? Where is your balance of concentration?

  3. Do you focus your mind energy to complete a task, or are you easily distracted and take long periods of time to complete something?

  4. Do you strive to finish things and finish them well for the sake of Heaven?

  5. Are you able to create long-term goals and stick to them, or do you give up easily when there are obstacles?

  6. Do you make time for meditation? If not, is it because you have difficulty concentrating?

  7. Are you able to concentrate on what is around you and see more deeply into matters? Are you involved in superficial tasks and reading so that you never reach deeper levels of understanding?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. Is there an area in your life (home, routine, possessions) where you struggle with simplicity?

  2. Do you have more than you need (food, home, possessions)? Why and how can you curb this?

  3. Is there a way that you simplified your life today? Are you happier with the simplicity? Did it bring a sense of freedom?

  4. Do you overcomplicate your life with excess? What is this excess? Sometimes the simplest solutions are like lighting a candle to remove darkness and chaos…what simple candle could you light to overcome your ‘darkness’?

  5. Do you find it difficult to be because of all the stumbling blocks you set in your path? Do you have simple goals?

  6. Do you have time-out moments where you can read a book or take a simple walk without technology?

  7. Examine your home. What in your home helps you to exist and what bogs you down?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the seeds that started to erode your compassion today? Judgmentalism? Apathy?

  2. Did you encounter anyone today who needed compassion? What was your response?

  3. Do you frequently judge people before you know their situation?

  4. If you were on the verge of being apathetic to someone’s situation, what did you employ that

  5. brought you into their reality and helped you to have compassion?

  6. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to increase your compassion for someone or a situation

  7. today?

  8. Do you often let the news harden you so that you lack compassion? What measures could you take

  9. to prevent this from happening so you can be actively practicing compassion?

  10. Are you compassionate to a fault, or are slow to compassion?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the seeds that affected your responsibility in various arenas today?

  2. Did a you shirk away from a responsibility today and if so why?

  3. Do you have too many responsibilities? Do you need to spread out your load?

  4. Do you feel resentful, burdened, overwhelmed or content with your current responsibilities?

  5. Do you have more responsibility than you can handle simply because you feel you can do the job better?

  6. Do responsibilities bring stress or purpose to you?

  7. How can you be more responsible tomorrow?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the seeds that hindered your ability to manifest loving-kindness today?

  2. Did a good deed you perfomed today lift up someone while lowering someone else, or was this good deed mutually beneficial for all involved?

  3. Were your deeds done merely for the sake of Heaven, or for some personal gain?

  4. Did you receive honor for doing a deed today? If so, would you have done the deed had it been in private and no honor was attached?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help you in making the more noble choices you were confronted with today?

  6. Do you spend some time during the day thinking about how to help others?

  7. Does helping others or doing acts of kindness come naturally? If not, what could you do to make it a more natural practice?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the seeds that started to affect your moderation today?

  2. Is there an area where you struggle with moderation (clothing, technology, learning, trinkets, food, alcohol, etc..)? Do you have a plan to curb your habits?

  3. Think of how you used the resources around you. Did you squander them, or were you excessive in their use?

  4. If you were on the verge of being excessive, what did you employ that helped you curb this behavior?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help in your struggle with moderation?

  6. What do you struggle to practice in moderation? Food, drink, study, work? Discuss…

  7. Do you have a tendency towards asceticism (self-denial)?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the seeds that started to erode your generosity today?

  2. Think of how you used the resources around you today (money, natural, etc..). Did you see a need and respond generously? Why or why not?

  3. Were you generous in your speech today? Did you take a moment to say something positive to someone to lift him/her up?

  4. Is there a plan today or one day this week to distribute charity?

  5. Did you look at someone today and judge their neediness or did you help them? Is this a different response than you usually give?

  6. Does giving make you feel superior or haughty?

  7. Is it difficult for you to give of your possessions to help others?

questions to ask yourself

Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the seeds that started to affect your enthusiasm today?

  2. Think of matters in which you were successful today, versus ones in which you weren't. Were they a function of your level of enthusiasm?

  3. Do you experience recurring snags in your walk forward or your daily activities? What is affecting your enthusiasm?

  4. If you were on the verge of getting stuck in a rut or wasting time, what did you employ that helped you become enthusiastic again?

  5. Did you use prayer or meditation to help you with your enthusiasm today?

  6. Did you procrastinate in doing something today?

  7. Do you avoid doing certain things because they are not your favorite tasks?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. Did you consider the honor of your fellow in all your actions?

  2. Did you rise for someone who is elderly and show honor?

  3. Did you take time to honor someone today for his/her role?

  4. Did you do something without seeking honor? Did you do it privately or publicly?

  5. Do you seek to be given honor?

  6. Do you honor those who serve you, in whatever capacity that is?

  7. Do you seek to honor and help the young?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the seeds that started to erode your gratitude today?

  2. Did you take time to express gratitude to those around you for who they are and what they do?

  3. Did you take time to notice the bounty in your life and express your gratitude through words or actions?

  4. Were you able to take an unpleasant situation and see the lesson in it?

  5. Did someone do something for you and it was difficult to be grateful? Why?

  6. After you ate your meals today did you take time to thank Hashem for the food?

  7. Did you thank anyone above and beyond what was necessary?

questions to ask yourself



Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to affect your order today?

  2. Did you start your day with a plan? Did that plan come to fruition, did it fall apart, or were there glitches in it? How did you handle this?

  3. If you or your possessions became disorderly today, what was the cause of this?

  4. If something unfortunate happened today because of lack of order in your life, how did you overcome it or remedy the situation?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help create clarity so as to add more order to your day?

  6. Did you employ any new order/routine into your day as something that will be permanent fixture?

  7. How do you need to reorder your life tomorrow, this week or this year?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that possibly affected your decisiveness today? Social, financial - what were they?

  2. Think of how your day progressed - were you able to make decisions with clarity? Why or why not?

  3. If you wavered on making a decision today, either regarding something that was for the present or for the future, what was the reason for your vascillating? Were you finally able to make the decision, or are you still up in the air?

  4. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help with decision making?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to affect your cleanliness today?

  2. Were you able to be pure in your deeds and thoughts today?

  3. What events today caused you to stray and perhaps not act as ethically and wholesomely? How did you respond to them? Were they in speech? Movies? Television? The Internet? Emails?

  4. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help you through the circumstances?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to erode your ability to maintain a heathy separation from those things that you should have distance from today?

  2. What was your reaction in your moments of challenge?

  3. If you were unable to maintain a separation from the things or people that cause you to stumble, is this a recurring struggle? What will you do differently tomorrow to prevent it? What fence will you erect to help you?

  4. If you were on the verge of losing the battle with separation but won instead, what did you employ that worked?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help you through the circumstances?

questions to ask yourself



Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that hindered your ability to manifest righteousness today?

  2. Did a good deed you tried to perform today lift up someone while lowering someone else, or was this good deed mutually beneficial for all involved?

  3. Were your deeds done merely for the sake of Heaven, or for some personal gain?

  4. Did you consider the honor of your fellow in all your actions?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help you in making the more noble choices you were confronted with today?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to affect your ability to be frugal today?

  2. Think of how you used the resources around you (money, natural, etc..). Did you squander them, or were you excessive in their use?

  3. Is there an area where you struggle with frugality (clothing, technology, trinkets, food, alcohol, etc..)? Do you have a plan to curb your habits?

  4. If you were on the verge of losing your frugality but instead won, what did you employ that worked?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help you through the circumstances?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to affect your ability to hold your silence on a matter today?

  2. Think of several good things that happened today. What was your reaction to them in contrast to your moments of challenge? Did you speak out righteously, or use your speech in a negative and non-productive fashion?

  3. Is there a common situation where you find that you are consistently unable to keep silent?

  4. Was there a moment where you should have spoken and didn't? Why?

  5. If you were on the verge of speaking out in a negative way but didn't, what did you employ that worked?

  6. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help you through the circumstances?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to erode your calmness today?

  2. If an event caused you to lose your calm spirit, what was it and how did you react? Is this something that has caused you agitation previously?

  3. If you were on the verge of losing your calmness of spirit, what did you employ that helped you?

  4. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to get through the circumstances and remain calm?

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to erode your patience today?

  2. Think of several good things that happened today. What was your reaction to them in contrast to your moments of challenge?

  3. If you lost your patience today, is this something that you have lost your patience over previously?

  4. If you were on the verge of losing your patience but didn't, what did you employ that worked?

  5. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to suffer through the circumstances?

  6. If you lost your patience today, describe how it happened.

  7. What causes you to lose patience most often?