
the power of silence

the power of silence

Silence is a powerful thing that can be good or bad. If you see a crime being committed and someone being hurt or killed and you keep silent, it is sinful. How many people stood by and watched the Nazi brutes beat up, and haul away Jewish men, women, and children? How many kept silent as Jews went to their deaths? Standing by and saying nothing was wrong.

silence in the digital age

silence in the digital age

Silence is one of the great casualties of the digital age. A generation ago, it was already hard to escape the drone of the broadcast media, especially as we started to put a radio or TV in every room and develop portable units that we could take anywhere. Now, in the digital age, it’s much worse, with TV, radio, internet, MP3 player, and much more all lodged within the phone in our pocket or purse.

power of silence

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rav rafael speaks from the end of the book of Exodus as the Shechina takes residence on the Tabernacle.  The Shechina is the embodiment of Hashem's word.  We learn of the nature of our words and speech as vessels, both in speech and in silence.  We turn to John 6 where Yeshua teaches his disciples about Hashem's word as manna from Heaven.  From this we learn the value of our words as they abide in Torah's eternal words which descend from Heaven.

a time to keep silence

a time to keep silence

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Pr. 18:21); we can abuse it both by speaking and by withholding. Indeed, I have had more regret in my life over things I should have said and didn’t—positive, affirming, healing things—than over things I did say and shouldn’t have. The tongue has great power, life-giving power, when our speech is gracious and seasoned with salt.