Trustworthiness is something we like in other people. When we have trust in others, our relationships flourish and we can reach higher levels of camaraderie. The world becomes a better place when people are there for each other.
making the mark
from where? from whom?
simplicity gone too far
how the world stands
merciful consideration
step it up
everything and nothing
be not quick to speak
what do you exalt
words of worth
speech that never lowers
more than a cupful
doctor's orders
got a moment?
the finer points
There is no doubt that Rabbi Salanter was scrupulous in his performance of mitzvot. We read countless stories where he was concerned about the status of the food that he ate, knowing that it would break down, nourish his body, and give him the ability to perform the commandments. He wanted to be fueled with only the best for the sake of Heaven.