Recently, a friend told me of a situation with another friend that was truly aggravating him, and a quote from Pirket Avot came to mind.
little letter, big lesson
One single, extra small letter in the traditional text of Vayikra (Lev. 1:1-5:26) teaches us a big lesson in humility. In fact, it’s a letter in the first word of the parasha, the word “vayikra” itself, which is written in the Torah scroll with a final aleph that is smaller than the rest of the letters.
humble Joseph
overdosing on humility
accepting compliments
sacred namers and humility
what are you yoked to?
As the presidential race heats up, I’m struck—and troubled—by how invested in one candidate or party many believers seem to be. It’s good to be involved in the political process, but the passion with which some believers demonize the opposition and line up with one party line or another suggests that they really believe the political system holds the key to life’s toughest problems.
humility as solidarity
speech that never lowers
religious humility
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Avraham and Sarah possessed a true gift in their interaction with others: humility. Without an agenda, they welcomed all into their tent. And when Avraham and Sarah mixed with the world as they traveled, they did not hold themselves in high esteem; rather, as true lights of Hashem, they recognized the spark of Hashem in others and gave honor, despite their difference in faith.
listening takes humility
be proud of who you are
washing feet
in the midst of argument
God is with us
humility: what it isn't
humility in community
making space for other
humility in the age of facebook
making space for others
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in this podcast, rabbi rafael gets spacial as he contemplates the construction of the tabernacle (parashat Terumah, Exodus 25) and God's cosmic creation as modelled through the middah of humility.