
religious humility

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Avraham and Sarah possessed a true gift in their interaction with others: humility.  Without an agenda, they welcomed all into their tent.  And when Avraham and Sarah mixed with the world as they traveled, they did not hold themselves in high esteem; rather, as true lights of Hashem, they recognized the spark of Hashem in others and gave honor, despite their difference in faith.

power of silence

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rav rafael speaks from the end of the book of Exodus as the Shechina takes residence on the Tabernacle.  The Shechina is the embodiment of Hashem's word.  We learn of the nature of our words and speech as vessels, both in speech and in silence.  We turn to John 6 where Yeshua teaches his disciples about Hashem's word as manna from Heaven.  From this we learn the value of our words as they abide in Torah's eternal words which descend from Heaven.

frugality and the half shekel

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in this podcast, rebbetzin malkah relates the giving of the half shekel in parasha Ki Tisa as an institution to bring us together in community.  Frugality is a balance of when to give and when to keep.  This is expressed not only in the value of our finances, but the value of our soul infused intention.  When we get tired out from giving too much of ourselves, it is time to be frugal and recharge before we have nothing left to give to others.