
choose well

choose well

Most people have had the experience of going to a restaurant with other people and having to wait on one person who can’t make up their mind over what to order. The person ordering agonizes over what to get, and meanwhile, everyone else is hungry and waiting, because their order won’t be placed until the indecisive individual comes to a decision. You just want them to order anything just to get the ball rolling.

decisiveness without tzuris

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making decisions doesn't need to be filled with great conflict.  The concept of making decisions with the information at hand and a firm resolution to act is a process of turning your potential energy into active energy.  This podcast draws from Cheshbon Hanefesh and Yeshua's parable of the talents to help us make those tough decisions in life.

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that possibly affected your decisiveness today? Social, financial - what were they?

  2. Think of how your day progressed - were you able to make decisions with clarity? Why or why not?

  3. If you wavered on making a decision today, either regarding something that was for the present or for the future, what was the reason for your vascillating? Were you finally able to make the decision, or are you still up in the air?

  4. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to help with decision making?

be sure, then go ahead

be sure, then go ahead

The greatest impediment to ethical growth may not be ignorance, but immobility. We might have a sense of right, and a conviction about some excellent course of action, but fail to pursue it through indecisiveness, endlessly weighing the pros and cons, or the difficulties and complications and never getting around to doing the right thing.