It would seem that the world is becoming decreasingly calm as the years go by. At the same time, there is rarely anything new under the sun and a sense of disequilibrium has covered society from time immemorial.
don't rock the boat
calmness and the face(s) of God
calmness and complacency
For my first few years as a follower of Yeshua I suffered from what one of my colleagues later diagnosed as end-times fever. And I wasn’t alone. Friends, mentors, voices on the radio or cassette tapes—we were all convinced that Messiah’s return was so near that we should devote all our energies to being ready and helping everyone we knew to get ready too, before it was too late.
calm in the midst of the storm
pure perception with calm
staying in calm
In the fall of 1985 Hurricane Gloria worked its way up the eastern coast of the United States, eventually crossing the Long Island Sound and passing over Milford, Connecticut where I resided with my family. To the best of my knowledge, I had never before seen a category 4 hurricane or anything close to it.
the narrow bridge
a calm word
bedrock of calmness
The Hebrew word for calmness is nichutah. Nichutah translates to ease, serenity, tranquility, or gentleness.
Out here in Seattle, we live in an earthquake zone. For those of us whose homes are on bedrock, we live with a little more peace of mind knowing that there is some buffering that we experience due to being on solid rock.
calmness of inheritance
dot calm
calmness of spirit
questions to ask yourself
Use these questions to evaluate your day:
What were the "seeds" that started to erode your calmness today?
If an event caused you to lose your calm spirit, what was it and how did you react? Is this something that has caused you agitation previously?
If you were on the verge of losing your calmness of spirit, what did you employ that helped you?
Were you able to use prayer or meditation to get through the circumstances and remain calm?
as the sparrow is remembered
Sometimes when we encounter things unexpectedly, a wave of emotions pour over us: shock, numbness, anger and acceptance. We might go through those emotions in that order, or out of order - over and over. At the same time, we can inadvertently cause others to experience the emotional gyrations we are going through if we aren't sensitive to our outward behavior.