It is astonishing how Rav Shaul sees the messianic community as a body with the Ruach completely active and accessible. He calls us all to live in that Ruach. To the Galatians, he says the following:
“…the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace and long-suffering, kindness, the good, faith, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23, Restored New Testament, Barnstone)
All of these are demonstrative of a soul living in calmness. As a Messianic Jewish community, we have a unique claim to intimate relationship with the Ruach, with calmness as indicative of our inheritance in Yeshua. We are not to be arrogant with our inheritance but it will not do to be ignorant of it either. Calmness is a middah deeply connected with the message of our Living Mashiach. Calmness is most possible when we are connected to the Ruach. There are spiritual realities that awaken within us a reminder of our identities as sons and daughters of G-d. All the calmness that we could conjure up within our minds and hearts pales in comparison to the overriding sense of peace and purpose that comes from knowing who we are in Yeshua. May we all be rooted in our collective identity as the body of Mashiach and let the calmness within each of us bear witness to the One who is King.