
calmness and complacency

calmness and complacency

For my first few years as a follower of Yeshua I suffered from what one of my colleagues later diagnosed as end-times fever. And I wasn’t alone. Friends, mentors, voices on the radio or cassette tapes—we were all convinced that Messiah’s return was so near that we should devote all our energies to being ready and helping everyone we knew to get ready too, before it was too late.

questions to ask yourself


Use these questions to evaluate your day:

  1. What were the "seeds" that started to erode your calmness today?

  2. If an event caused you to lose your calm spirit, what was it and how did you react? Is this something that has caused you agitation previously?

  3. If you were on the verge of losing your calmness of spirit, what did you employ that helped you?

  4. Were you able to use prayer or meditation to get through the circumstances and remain calm?