

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}To decide is to affect change.Decisiveness requires one to act with sufficient forethought to make a decision with the best chance for success, but with willingness and readiness so as not to miss the opportunity.Suggested practices:

  • Take some time to go through your closets/dressers/garage/basement and decide which items do not serve you anymore. Bring those items to a nearby donation store/drop-off point.
  • Bring to mind a decision that you have been wavering on and contemplate/research all options and act.
  • Create a plan for your week perhaps in meals, scheduling, budgeting your money, recreation, fitness, etc... See if planning and organization helps you in the area of decisiveness regarding this matter.
  • Lay out an outline of a plan for the year and write down some steps on how you will decide to pursue that plan.{acp /top-intro}

{acp top-memory/} "All your actions should be preceded by deliberation; when you have reached a decision, act without hesitating." -- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lefin of Satanov, Cheshbon HaNefesh{acp /top-memory}{acp top-long-def/}Mashiach Yeshua speaks against wavering and half-hearted observance . We need to learn how to be informed and courageous so that we are not indecisive - for this can cause others to go astray, missed opportunities or worse yet, tragedy.{acp /top-long-def}{acp top-image images/stories/middot/04-decisiveness.jpg}{acp print-version print/W04-decisiveness.pdf}{acp quotes-cat 281}{acp inspiration-cat 282}{acp meditation-cat 283}{acp torah-cat 284}{acp mesorah-cat 285}{acp besorah-cat 286}{acp daily-cat 287}{acp stories-cat 288}{acp accounting-cat 289}{acp podcast-cat 241}{acp _end}