

[middahsummarypage middah="humility" topintro='Between superior and nothing, I exist.Humility is about seeking a level playing field between all people. In displaying this trait, one does not seek to degrade or puff up oneself or others. Mashiach Yeshua says, “The greatest among you shall be to you as a servant. Everyone who lifts himself up will be brought low, but everyone who lowers himself will be lifted up.” (Matthew 23 : 11-12, DHE). Humility out of balance can appear two ways. One extreme displays haughtiness, while the other extreme displays groveling and self-deprecation. The obvious middle is where humility shines.Suggested exercises:

  • In a conversation, focus intently on what the other person is saying and not on what you will say next.
  • Practice active listening and talk less.
  • Prefer someone’s needs over yours.
  • When someone says something that does not agree with your opinion, considering holding your tongue and letting it go.

Memory Verse: "Always seek to learn wisdom from every man, to recognize your failings and correct them." --Rabbi M.M. Lefin of Satanov, Cheshbon HaNefeshPeople who possess this trait are conscientious in their relationships with each other and in their demeanor.  They seek neither to degrade nor puff up those around them, nor think to highly or lowly or themselves.  Mashiach Yeshua plainly says, "The greatest among you shall be to you as a servant. Everyone who lifts himself up will be brought low, but everyone who lowers himself will be lifted up."  (Matthew 23 : 11-12, DHE).']