

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}I have control over only so much and I surrender to that.Equanimity is about having balance, level-headedness and calmness of spirit. It is approaching all situations and rising above them, realizing their temporary nature and working through them whether they be good or bad. Equanimity imbalanced can either appear as out of control and hysterical, or completely oblivious and apathetic. Achieving a middle ground of equanimity is ideal, as it is the means by which we can go from situation to situation with grace.Suggested exercises:

  • When something challenging happens, quote the memory phrase before reacting.
  • View a challenge as a test and score high by staying calm.
  • React to an unpleasant situation by finding the positive in it and speaking it.{acp /top-intro}

{acp top-intro-old/}Memory verse: “Rise above the good and the bad for they are not worth disturbing your calmness of soul.” (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lefin, Cheshbon haNefesh)Equanimity is balance, level-headedness and calmness of spirit. With this trait, we can rise above events — both bad and good.{acp /top-intro-old}{acp top-memory/}Memory verse: “Rise above the good and the bad for they are not worth disturbing your calmness of soul.” (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lefin, Cheshbon haNefesh){acp /top-memory}{acp top-image images/stories/middot/01-equanimity.jpg}{acp print-version print/W01-equanimity.pdf}{acp quotes-cat 231}{acp inspiration-cat 232}{acp meditation-cat 233}{acp torah-cat 234}{acp mesorah-cat 235}{acp besorah-cat 236}{acp daily-cat 237}{acp stories-cat 238}{acp accounting-cat 239}{acp podcast-cat 237}{acp _end}