

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}Let life’s bounty cause you to whisper thanks with each breath.Gratitude is about expressing thanks and appreciation for all that happens and is given in life: planned or unplanned. Gratitude out of whack can manifest itself in two ways. Either we placate or puff up unnecessarily those who have given to us, or we fail to demonstrate gratefulness in any capacity. Gratitude in check is when we respond appropriately with thanks for the gifts and benefits we receive and do so in the proper capacity.Suggested exercises:

  • Think of some positive aspects of your life today and express your gratitude and appreciation.
  • Send a card to someone you know and express your gratitude and appreciation.
  • Express your gratitude to a stranger who is serving you in some capacity today.
  • After every meal this week, say a prayer of gratitude. This can either be a traditional blessing from the siddur or perhaps a heartfelt spontaneous prayer.{acp /top-intro}

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