

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}Start and finish strong.Enthusiasm is approaching a task with zeal and the desire to accomplish it. It is vital in maintaining momentum in a productive and positive life. If one displays too much enthusiasm, it appears as obsessive and manic, while a complete lack of enthusiasm shows itself as listless and uninterested. Enthusiasm brought out in the right way is contagious and can be very inspirational to many.Suggested exercises:

  • Enter into a difficult task earlier than planned and strive to complete itwith all your might.
  • Enter a meeting with a cheerful and can-do attitude and maintain that demeanor throughout the meeting.
  • Help someone with a difficult task by displaying a helpful and zealous attitude.
  • Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than normal and begin the day with an extra prayer or meditation. Spring into the day with anticipation.{acp /top-intro}

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