

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}We all need food, sleep, and love.Loving-kindness is acting out in loving and thoughtful ways to bring accord and friendship between those we do and don’t know. This type of living is other-centered and fosters harmony. In an overabundance of loving-kindness, we see excessive doting and lack of care for oneself; in an extreme lack of loving-kindness, we see selfishness and egotism rampant. This trait in balance serves humanity and self, and is considered a vital foundation of the world.Suggested practices:

  • Show a smile to at least five people today that you pass by today.
  • Lend an ear to someone that you know could use some company.
  • Make it a point to ask someone how his/her day is going — whether you know that person or not.
  • Give a genuine compliment to someone today.{acp /top-intro}

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