

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}Strive for order gracefully and peaceably.Order gives structure to our days and environment so as to maximize our ability and effectiveness. However, order can be demonstrated in unhealthy ways. Order out of balance can either appear completely obsessive and neat to a fault, while on the other end of the spectrum a total lack of order appears as chaos and disarray. Those who embody order have actions, possessions and tasks all of an orderly nature – everything has a set place and a set time.Suggested exercises:

  • Look at your daily routine and see if it is working; if not, change some part of your routine so it is more lifegiving.
  • Take a room or space that is out of order and make a plan to organize it.
  • Take an area or your life that needs discipline (health, fitness, prayer) and make a plan to make time for it.{acp /top-intro}

{acp top-intro-old/}Memory verse: "All your actions and possessions should be orderly -- each and every one in a set place and at a set time." -- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lefin of Satanov, Cheshbon HaNefeshThose who possess order in their lives are a beacon to those around them.  This trait is also coupled with faithfulness and the ability to stay on task. Those who embody order have actions/tasks all of an orderly nature – everything has a set place and at a set time.  {acp /top-intro-old}{acp top-memory/}"All your actions and possessions should be orderly -- each and every one in a set place and at a set time." -- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lefin of Satanov, Cheshbon HaNefesh {acp /top-memory} {acp top-long-def/}Those who possess order in their lives are a beacon to those around them.  This trait is also coupled with faithfulness and the ability to stay on task. Those who embody order have actions/tasks all of an orderly nature – everything has a set place and at a set time. {acp /top-long-def}{acp top-image images/stories/middot/03-order.jpg}{acp print-version print/W03-order.pdf}{acp daily-cat-intro-count 2}{acp middah-cat 252}{acp quotes-cat 253}{acp inspiration-cat 254}{acp meditation-cat 255}{acp torah-cat 256}{acp mesorah-cat 257}{acp besorah-cat 258}{acp daily-cat 259}{acp stories-cat 260}{acp accounting-cat 261}{acp podcast-cat 240}{acp _end}