

{acp _pattern 248}{acp top-intro/}Endurance enlightens the mind and soul.Patience is a means not only to inner peace but outer peace. It is the ability to endure situations of all kinds and to remain level-headed. Patience out of balance can appear two ways. One extreme displays frustration, rage, and aggravation, while the other extreme displays apathy and indifference. Patience displayed in balance helps relationships and situations through rough spots and promotes healthy growthSuggested exercises:

  • When you are in a situation and about to lose your temper, recite the memory phrase in your mind before you react.
  • Plan to be early for all appointments this week and bring a book for the wait.
  • When frustrated in traffic, have a favorite song handy for cue-up and enjoy the moment.
  • If you are ready to lose your patience with a person, stop the seeds of impatience and say something kind to that person.{acp /top-intro}

{acp top-intro-old/} Memory verse: "When something bad happens to you and you did not have the power to avoid it, do not aggravate the situation even more through wasted grief." -- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lefin of Satanov, Cheshbon HaNefesh"Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you fall into trials of any kind, for you know that the testing of your faith produces patience; and let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." -- James 1:2-4{acp /top-intro-old}{acp top-memory/}"When something bad happens to you and you did not have the power to avoid it, do not aggravate the situation even more through wasted grief." -- Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lefin of Satanov, Cheshbon HaNefesh{acp /top-memory}{acp top-long-def/}Just as copper holds its heat well, consistently and equally, so too do people who have patience.  They possess the strength control their heat, or their temper.  They are able to hold their emotions in check and handle stressful or unexpected situations.{acp /top-long-def}{acp top-image images/stories/middot/02-patience.jpg}{acp print-version print/W02-patience.pdf}{acp quotes-cat 242}{acp inspiration-cat 243}{acp meditation-cat 244}{acp torah-cat 245}{acp mesorah-cat 246}{acp besorah-cat 247}{acp daily-cat 248}{acp stories-cat 249}{acp accounting-cat 250}{acp podcast-cat 238}{acp _end}