restlessness of the soul

restlessness of the soul

In my work as a professional counselor (my side job) I sometimes help people suffering with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This diagnosis indicates excessive anxiety or worry more days than not for at least six months, which the person finds it difficult to control, accompanied by symptoms like restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbance. In short, if equanimity is menuchat hanefesh, rest or calmness of soul, GAD is the opposite, restlessness of soul.

steady-flame patience

steady-flame patience

art-nertamidWe sometimes think of patience as a passive virtue, similar to endurance; the kind of patience that enables us to perform a repetitive task, to get through setbacks and challenges, or to wait for an answer to prayer without getting irritated or discouraged. Such patience is a virtue, as they say, but patience includes a more active response as well, not just enduring various trials, but maintaining focus and intensity through them all.

patience and purpose

patience and purpose

art-cyclerebuildWhen Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them; but he acted like a stranger toward them . . . (Gen. 42:7).

Of all the themes that run through the story of Joseph and his brothers, one we might overlook is Joseph’s patience. I’m not thinking of the tremendous patience he needed to get through twenty years of slavery, imprisonment, and estrangement without losing hope in God, but of the patience that brought him through what might have been even tougher—the testing of his brothers when they came down to Egypt to buy food.

order books

For this mussar cycle, all book materials will be ordered by members directly from their distributors.  

We recommend the following resources to aid in your personal practice.


Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis

This is your guidebook to understand contemporary Mussar practice.  Mr. Morinis has been instrumental in making Mussar accessable to a new generation of people seeking to better the world and cleave to God through personal character refinement.

This book advocates and explains the practice as well as sheds light on individual character traits that we seek to refine.

Price: $12 (estimated)



Six-Month Mussar Journal

Here is the new journal for Hebrew year 5775, starting our mussar cycle on October 19, 2014.

This 7.5"x7.5" paperback square journal is designed to help you in the evening practice of reflection on your day.

Preceding each section of weekly middot practice is an introductory page explaining the middah, an accounting chart for the week, and a suggested list of kabbalot (practices) for you to select as your coursework. Each day's page includes space for writing, a quote for inspiration, and a question to help you with your journaling.


Purchase a customized Riverton Mussar journal that has all of the charts already laid out, as well as daily journal space, for $18. This journal will become an invaluable tool in your Mussar practice.  Order one today!

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

can you keep a secret?

can you keep a secret?

Have you ever been in on a conversation that started like this: “Can you keep a secret? I’m really not supposed to talk about this, but . . .” or “So-and-so made me promise not to tell anyone about this, but . . .”? This opening line is usually followed by an explanation of why it’s OK to not keep the secret, but to share the forbidden information with you, often in flattering terms.