frugality and the half shekel

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in this podcast, rebbetzin malkah relates the giving of the half shekel in parasha Ki Tisa as an institution to bring us together in community.  Frugality is a balance of when to give and when to keep.  This is expressed not only in the value of our finances, but the value of our soul infused intention.  When we get tired out from giving too much of ourselves, it is time to be frugal and recharge before we have nothing left to give to others.

think outside the bottle

think outside the bottle

A few years back, my son Daniel converted me away from bottled water. I had thought that drinking pure and healthy water was an act of environmental awareness, but he helped me see it the other way around. Spending resources to make little bottles that could only hold one long drink, to put water into those bottles, ship them all around the country, put them on shelves and sell them one by one, could hardly be corrected just by recycling the bottles after we used them.